Services / Design / Design Systems

Design Systems

A design system is a collection of rules, standards, and limitations in design and code. Think of it as a centralised source of design knowledge that you can easily change and update, it's a single source of truth which groups all the elements that will allow teams to design, realise and develop products efficiently and consistently. Plastyk have created design systems for SME up to large corporate clients.

What does a Design System mean for your business?

  • Increased velocity and time to market
  • Launch higher quality work
  • Provide a shared vocabulary and a single reference or source of truth
  • Brings together different disciplines to speak a common language
  • Makes testing easier
  • Future-friendly foundation
  • Visual changes don’t mean starting all over
  • Consistent components throughout application
  • Better product value and user experience
  • Less time and money invested
  • Consistent design, consistent code
  • Increased collaboration and knowledge sharing
quotation image - Plastyk Studios

A design system is the product of your design work. You don’t have to bite everything off at once — what’s the quick win to get to the foundations of your product? Find the sweet spot.

- Brad Frost

Find out how we can do !t for your business.

Call us on 08 8357 7700 or press the button over there.